

International Women’s Day: female colleagues received 126 roses with the message “never give up”

As the calendar month celebrating women’s empowerment and gender equality around the world, March is quite important for B2 Kapital in Croatia, because equality in both men and women’s career development opportunities is one of the greatest values fostered by company.

To commemorate the enormous efforts women had expended throughout history, female colleagues of B2 Kapital are given red roses today with the message to never give up on themselves or what they want to accomplish in life.

It was also a “thank you” of sorts for their day-to-day contribution to the development of the equal team culture, and for the fact that they give their all when cooperating with their male colleagues.

“Even though it is important for us to mark this date, we actually celebrate the International Women’s Day every single day at work. More than 65 percent of our employees are women, including those managing 80 percent of our departments. Moreover, we have seven women holding important team leadership positions, and we are currently dominating top managerial positions as well. These are figures that not many companies can boast about, especially not in Croatia or the financial sector around the world. I believe that this is down to the preconditions for the professional development, which are available to everyone at B2 Kapital, regardless of their gender, and which do not limit women in achieving their personal satisfaction in the workplace. Even though there are more of us than men at the company, and on all the organizational levels, we are in fact achieving our best results through teamwork with our male colleagues. Only through joint work and growth can we find the best solutions for our clients” said Tanja Miljanić Presečki, President of B2 Kapital Management, on International Women’s Day.

As a part of the international group B2Holding ASA, B2 Kapital has, since the start of its operations in Croatia, been committed to upholding equality in the workplace, regardless of one’s gender, race, religious affiliation, or political opinions. The group strives for gender balance and believe it is fundamental for the development of not only the company but the entire financial industry. There is definitely room for balance, especially taking into account the total impact the finance industry has on the financial health of each individual, family or company around the world.

The International Women’s Day is a particularly important date, because of need to raise awareness about the fact that women’s road to equality in the workplace has not been easy at all, as well as that there is still plenty of room for better results, regardless of the company’s size or the part of the world it is operating in.

Ms. Miljanić Presečki also reminds about today’s business rhythm, which is packed with different challenges and importance of needs to set aside time for the balance between personal and professional life. That is why equality in opportunities and tasks in both of these areas is exceedingly important.

She is confident that other companies in both Croatia and the region will follow B2 Kapital lead and that we do not need to fear women’s leadership. Instead, we should learn from them about togetherness and cooperation, and build a success story that will benefit all of us.

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