Collection of overdue claims
By transferring the claims of your debtors to B2 Kapital you ensure swift collection, liquidity, no additional debt and positive and affirmative effect on your balance. We offer the repurchase of portfolios of overdue claims, write-offs and claims for which legal actions were already started.
Time is money! With us, you have both.
We offer your clients:
After taking over a claim, B2 Kapital charges a default interest. We do not charge any additional fees or expenses on your debt.
If your account is blocked and you have opened a protected account, your protected income cannot be seized.
B2 Kapital takes the necessary measures immediately after the payment of the debt and sends a request for the withdrawal of the blockages to the relevant institutions (FINA, Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, employer…). For further steps, we ask you for patience, as these institutions do not have a legally prescribed deadline for performing their activities when it comes to unblocking your account.
All previously activated collaterals and enforcement documents will be withdrawn after the payment of the related debt.
Regarding the method of repayment of your debt, we strive to be flexible and adjust the payment as much as possible to your personal financial capabilities. If you cannot pay the full amount of the debt at once, we can offer you an agreed-upon repayment plan. Also, it is possible that, as part of the arrangement for repaying your debt, a partial write-off of the debt occurs.
For more information on possible debt payment options, contact our Contact Center at +385 1 560 5540 or send an e-mail to
According to Art. 80 – Art. 86 of the Obligations Act (National Gazette 35/05, 41/08, 125/11, 78/15, 29/18, hereinafter: “ZOO“), by entering into an assignment agreement, B2 Kapital has become the holder of due and unpaid claim towards you. As a new creditor, B2 Kapital took over the process of collecting that claim. According to the ZOO, you should be notified of the assignment of the claim after it has been taken over by the billing company, but your consent to the assignment is not required.
We adapt each solution to the individual situation of our debtors and to their current financial capabilities. Keep in mind that if you avoid contact and ignore our notices (e-mails, calls, mails) you are leaving us no choice but to initiate enforcement proceedings on the pledged real estate. If it is sold through a public auction, your debt will be deducted for the amount for which the property was sold.
It is possible that through the sale of a real estate the debt is only partially settled. In that case, you are obliged to pay us the difference (the remaining debt). If the property is sold for a greater amount than our claim, the realized surplus belongs to the debtor.
Once you have payed your debt, B2 KAPITAL willreturn to you all collateral (promissory notes, bills of exchange, statements of income confiscation etc.) which you have provided. If necessary, we will also issue a corresponding statement of erasure/declaration for return of ownership right for the property that was the subject of the pledge and cease all active legal proceeding.
If you are not satisfied or if you have additional questions, you can contact us at our contact address: and we will respond to your complaint as soon as possible.
Every debtor may submit a request to B2 KAPITAL for the purpose of settling the debt by peaceful means. If we reach an agreement regarding the way of settling the debt, you will avoid additional court and legal cost that will arise if we initiate enforcement procedures. After you fulfill your debt in accordance with settlement terms and conditions, you retain the ownership of the property and we will give you an erasure statement with which you can delete the registered pledge right (mortgage). We will also return all collateral (promissory notes, bills of exchange, statements of income confiscation etc.) that you have provided us with.
Contact us and together we will find the best repayment plan that suits your financial capabilities.
The creditor can request fulfillment from the guarantor if the guarantor is obligated as the guarantor-payer because, in that case, he is responsible in the same way as the main debtor for the whole debt.
In any case, the creditor and the guarantor (as a third party) can come to an arrangement regarding a partial debt fulfillment. In that case, the debt of the main debtor is reduced for the amount the guarantor has paid and the creditor will, in exchange, return to the guarantor all collateral he has provided (debenture note; bill of exchange; statement for the confiscation of receivables…). In the event that the guarantor is also the pledgor and has paid the debt in full, the creditor will issue an erasure statement with which the guarantor will be able to erase the pledge on the pledged real estate.
When B2 KAPITAL buys the claim from a bank (original creditor), it promptly delivers all necessary documentation to the competent institutions (FINA, HZMO, employer, court, other institutions) in order to make the appropriate change of creditors. Depending on the institution conducting the change, the proceedings may take up to several months from the receipt of our request.
When B2 KAPITAL bought the claim from a bank (original creditor), it promptly delivers all necessary documentation to the competent land registry department in order to make the appropriate change of creditors. Depending on the court conducting the alteration, the proceedings may take up form one to several months from the day of receipt of our request for change.
After the debt is paid in full, the creditor issues an erasure statement (declaration for deletion of pledge). The cost of verifying the signature for the creditor is borne by the debtor. Upon verification of the signature, the erasure statement must be submitted to the competent land registry department of the municipal court with a proposal for the erasure of the mortgage/pledge right.
Fiduciary, as well as a mortgage, is one of the collateral security instruments through which a creditor may, in the event of the debtor failing to settle the debt, withhold the debtor’s assets in order to charge his claim. The main difference between mortgage and fiduciary is that in the mortgage the debtor retains ownership of the real-estate, while in fiduciary, the right of ownership is immediately transferred to the creditor.
A fiduciary is established by concluding an agreement securing a certain creditor’s claim to the debtor, transferring the debtor’s property to the creditor, or transferring any of the debtor’s rights to the creditor. Creditor is obligated to return the ownership to do debtor when the debt is fully paid.
a) Pledge debtor
Pledge debtor is responsible for the debt with the property he has voluntarily pledged. If you are co-debtor, you are responsible for all due debts as well as the main debtor and you may be requested to meet these obligations in full. In contrast, the pledge debtor, who is neither a guarantor nor a co-debtor, in such a situation, risks to lose only the property he has voluntarily pledged as collateral for the main debtor’s obligation.
b) Pledge creditor
Pledge creditor is entitled to exercise his right to settle a claim from the value of the pledge (property), if the claim secured by the pledge is not met by maturity.
Legally regulated claim of one participant of the obligation’s relation (the creditor) towards the other participant (the debtor) related to the execution of a certain performance.
The creditor is a party in an obligation relation that is authorized by the other party – the debtor, to request a transfer of assets, or that the debtor does something, or that he does not do something that he would normally be able to do, or that the debtor omits doing something.
Fee for the use of other’s replaceable, movable items, most often money. The interest rate is expressed in percentage and is considered to be the price of money or capital that the borrower/debtor pays for the use of the transferred money, capital or other replaceable assets.
Legal default interest is a sanction against a debtor who is late to meet his financial obligation. The interest rate is determined by law or by other regulations. The creditor has the right to default interest regardless of whether he has suffered any damage due to the debtor’s delay.
An alienable claim is transferred from the current creditor (Assignor) to the new creditor (Assignee) while the debtor (Debtor) and the claim remain the same. Possible legal grounds for an assignment are a contract, legal acts and a court decision.
Obligation of a person, legal or physical (debtor), to pay something (usually money) to another person, the creditor.
uslijed slanja godišnjih obavijesti o stanju duga, trenutno bilježimo pojačan broj poziva na našim telefonskim linijama. Zbog velikog opterećenja moguće je da naši djelatnici neće biti u mogućnosti odmah odgovoriti na sve pozive.
Ukoliko trenutno ne budemo u mogućnosti odgovoriti na Vaš poziv, molimo da nas nazovete kasnije.
Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju i strpljenju.
S poštovanjem,
B2 Kapital d.o.o.